Showing posts with label ponds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ponds. Show all posts

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Now starts the real hard work

Oh! Not for me!!

Annikki has started in real earnest to set out the Vesaisentie garden with her vision.

First was the cleaning of the back fence area from years of accumulated rotting leaves and branches.

Then came the building of the Great Wall of Vesaisentie - a work in progress.

Yesterday evening we went to a shop looking for some garden stuff and came away with a large black plastic container.

Today it was in the garden with a circular brick wall around it. The first pond experiment of Vesaisentie.

But one pond is insufficient, so today we went to buy another pond. No doubt the ponds will find their right places tomorrow, in and above the ground.

Lots of minor works are in progress - as Annikki tries this and that. She is looking to create a garden with her stamp of design skills - and let me assure you that it will some unusual character about it.

But today was also buying day for trees. We will have two new trees, the first of many that will find their way into the Vesaisentie garden during this and subsequent years!