Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Kodin Kuvalehti carries story about Kampitie Garden

Kodin Kuvalehti is Finland's largest circulating women's magazine. Malayala Manorama's women's magazine, Vanitha, although it has a circulation of almost 0.6 million copies fortnightly, can certainly learn a lot from the quality of this Finnish publication.

About a year and a half ago, Annikki wrote a small piece and submitted a couple of photographs for a reader's contest organised by the magazine. Annikki wrote about how she had designed the garden at her mother's home around an old metal bath tub which did not find its way into the skips when we were clearing and renovating the house, and how she had created almost everything by recycling materials found in the compound.

Bath tub around which the Kampitie Garden was created

Bath tub around which the Kampitie Garden was created

The Garden Editor of the magazine, Sinikka Sarrola, liked Annikki's article. This submission was shortlisted for a further stage. This involved Sinikka, accompanied by a professional photographer, Pirjo Sillanpää, visiting the garden at the height of last summer, interviewing Annikki and taking photographs, maybe around a 100 or more shots.

Kodin Kuvalehti Garden Editor Sinikka Sarrola, Annikki and Samuel

Kodin Kuvalehti Garden Editor Sinikka Sarrola, Annikki and Samuel

Annikki and Kodin Kuvalehti Garden Editor Sinikka Sarrola

Annikki and Kodin Kuvalehti Garden Editor Sinikka Sarrola

Based on this Sinikka wrote an article about the garden and about Annikki and our family.

Three gardens are featured in the latest issue of the magazine, which is due out in the news stands tomorrow morning. The feature is entitled "Three Readers, beautiful, special gardens".

And one of the stories, with absolutely glorious photographs, is about Annikki and our family and her tribute to her mother in creating the garden for her.

The text is hilarious. Some of the last lines symbolises Annikki's character "She can create anything from anything"!

Thank you Kodin Kuvalehti, Sinnika and Pirjo for such a beautiful presentation in a great magazine. (My photographs are nowhere near the quality of the professional, Pirjo.)

If you are interested in a copy of the magazine with the English translation of the text, please send me an email.

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