Saturday, November 10, 2007

The passing of my Godmother

Tomorrow would have been her 91st birthday. I had already planned to send her my birthday greetings.

When I reached my computer this morning, a nephew from Bangalore, Chacko Kovoor, had a message on Skype for me telling me of her passing away at 4 am Indian Standard Time, this morning. I was informed that after six weeks of fading health and a day short of her ninety-first birthday, she had passed away.

A great sadness ebbed over me.

Chinchaya in Bombay in 1990.

Dear Chinchaya (Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas - née Matthan) was a loving personality who knew how to bridge the generation gap. She was a friend to people of all generations, and to me she was a wonderful and caring Godmother. She took special pains to attend my Confirmation in 1957 (which was St. Thomas Cathedral in Bombay).

She spent time with me and told me the meaning of life and how to live it.

Chinchaya was always practical and organised in what she did and how she lived her life.

Chinchaya was the immediately younger sister to my father. Of her siblings, she is survived by her youngest brother, Jacob (Kochuppapen) and her two younger sisters, Grace (Accachi) and Susan (Papachi).

She is survived by her daughter, cousin Nirmala, who is the same age as me, Nirmala's husband, Gulden, and their son, Vikram and his family who live in the US. Vikram was the golden boy of Chinchaya and she waited for him to come to Bangalore for his holidays.

I last saw Chinchaya in 2000, when on a flying visit to India, a few months before my mother passed away, I did a detour to Bangalore, especially to see her. She told me that she hoped that Annikki and I would come again soon as she did not have much longer to live.

But, soon after she was on the internet and she was exchanging email messages with me. When I told her that I would like to have the birthdays of all our family members, she painstakingly compiled it and sent it to me in a letter.

I know that this was an act of great love and this is letter that I treasure in my collection of family memorabilia.

In my last conversation with Chinchaya, she had told me that she was passing away the time till she could be in peace. I had asked her to wait for me as I longed to see her again. But, sadly, she could not and in that I grieve, with Annikki of the passing of a great lady, a wonderful friend, and above all, my loving Godmother.

Our deepest condolences go out to Nirmala and her family.

The funeral will be held in a few hours at the St. John's Church, Bangalore, which was close to her home. She will be cremated shortly thereafter.

May Chinchaya's loving soul rest in peace.

1 comment:

John Dayal said...

Dear Jacob
My deepest condolennces to you and the family
I am sure your godmother is at peace with her Lord
John Dayal