Friday, May 23, 2008

Shift from Spring to Summer

The days are now long here in Oulu. It is bright all through the 24 hours. The spring air is turning to a feel of summer.

The neighbours are busy at work. The house opposite is putting on a new roof.

Annikki was thrilled to see the early morning water droplets on the rose bush.

The grandchildren, Samuel, Daniel and Maria got back from England. It is wonderful to have them back here. the normal routine has settled with me taking Samu to school in the morning, bringing him home in the afternoon and playing with Daniel for a short while.

Maria spends her time smiling and talking to the world.

The first flowers are also now visible and the growth of the tubers are now at a great rate.

A walk around the Kampitie garden showed that the Cherry tree planted by Annikki last summer had survived the winter as the fresh buds have appeared.

The fish are enjoying the freedom of the larger pond after having wintered in the table top aquarium in the living room. We lost 2 fish over winter and one once they were transferred back to the outdoor pond.

There are now 10 goldfish swimming around the pool - a crow took one!

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