Sunday, July 12, 2009

A waspy story

Annikki was cleaning around the back entrance to the house when she noted two bags which Joanna had put stuff in to send to the charity recycling centres.

She lifted one and was confronted by wasps and a huge buzzing sound from inside of the bag.

She acted quickly in that she got a large rubbish bag, and after enveloping the other bag, she carried it outside of the Vesaisentie garden to a small forest area behind the house. There she left the wasps to settle down.

She came back to attend to the second bag and found the same situation, so she moved this also to the new location in the forest.

When she came back she found that a few wasps had be left behind and they were whizzing around.

She could do nothing about them and thought that they may just leave.

A few hours later, when she went to see the situation, she saw the wasps were very busy making a new nest. They were working very industriousally and slowly but surely they were making a regular nest.



The work is in progress. The above two photographs show how the wasps are bulding their new nest. I hope to document the stages of building of this.

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