Showing posts with label Madman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Madman. Show all posts

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Madman of Norway

Gunnar Toresen, Head of the Child Welfare Services of the city of Stavenger in Norway is nothing short of being a Megolmaniac Madman urgently requiring physcological care.

His kidnapping of two Indian children in Norway and his recent letter to the Indian Government requiring them to respond to him on the laws applicable in India to Indian citizens is truly bizzarre.

His sense of grandoism shows that he cares little about the children but wants to show his Nazi-like power craze as he tries everything in his assumed power to stop the Indian children to be returned to their motherland.

Norway is not the colonial master of India and he is not the King of the World to dictate to India about Constitutional Rights of Indian Citizens within India!

Not only does Gunnar Toresen require to be institutionalised immediately but the case of the children kidnapped by him, besides these two Indian children, needs to be investigated to see who are his advisors and the financial implications of each case.

The jurisdiction of Norwegian Courts and Norwegian Judges also needs to be put under scrutiny by the European Human Rights Commission, as such violation of the Human Rights of innocent children and their parents can be infectious in these Northern Countries.

It is obvious that certain individuals were benefiting financially from this kidnapping.

Were they fellow social workers and psychiatrists and friends of social workers? How were these people vetted to be given a place in this multi-million Norwegian Kroner money rolling scheme?

The case of the Norwegian foster parent who has been convicted of child molestation should be investigated and his relationship to Gunnar Toresen established.

Is Gunnar Toresen the conduit to provide his friends with innocent children to be used as sex toys?

In our 27 years in Finland we have seen many excesses of the bureaucracy and legal authorities in interfering in the lives of the weaker sections of society.

Gunnar Toresen is one example of the madness of this policy.

It takes a perverted madman to carry out such crazy behaviour and destroy the lives of innocent children and their parents.

Please act by writing to the Norwegian Prime Minister to stop this Norwegian Madman NOW!