Showing posts with label Maurizio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maurizio. Show all posts

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Christian with a mission visits Oulu

Last Sunday, my friend Christian Thibault, came to Oulu to meet several people about spreading the word about the Liikkukaa Multicultural Sports Association.

It just happened that the club he is involved with in several ways, Atlantis FC, were playing a First Division match against our local club - AC Oulu.

I asked Hasim and Kasim, who through their company, Goreme Pizzeria & Kebab ry, are one of the largest shareholders of AC Oulu, to join us to see the game. Unfortunately, it was Hasim's daughter's confirmation, so he could not join us. But Kasim made it to the ground.

The game was reasonable and although Atlantis did not play as badly as they did against TP-47 in Haaparanta two weeks earlier, they lost 3 - 0 against AC Oulu, with Daniel Yobe scoring a hat trick for the local side.

On Tuesday, Christian had several meetings. I arranged for him to meet Jusse Kankare, the Chairman of the Oulu Cricket Club. They joined the Liikkukaa Association as a member.

On Wednesday / Thursday there was a tournament organised by Riku Kivimäki of the Oulu Refugee Centre of all the teams from Refugee Centres around Finland. There were 360 players from many countries taking part in a truly historic event. It was a grand success with the African drum beat resounding in all corners of the ground and sports hall.

It was wonderful to see the involvement of accomplished persons as Emmanuel Etchu with Nigerian roots, who, while still keeping to his love of football, has earned himself being an engineer in Nokia and also working on a programme to help the children of AIDS victims in Africa, the Finnish national basketball star with Antiguan roots, Maurizio Prates, who has now devoted a lot of his time to fighting racism in Finland, and Said Zahaf (with Moroccan roots) of the Restaurant Marrakech helping in bringing refreshment to these visitors from all parts of Finland while his wife Miriam Attias was busy acting on behalf of the Red Cross in helping this event.

See Kaleva for a detailed report about this sports event. (And what was another half of Christian's mission to Oulu - to get fit to celebrate his 25th wedding anniversary in Paris on Bastille Day, the 14th of July 2009. Happy Anniversary, Christian.)