Showing posts with label Port-au-Prince. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Port-au-Prince. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Unparalled beauty alongside tragedy

As I stepped out at midday today, to go an pick up Mika from his water immersion physiotherapy, I drove out of the gate, and was struck by the scenery in front of me.

I stopped the car, got out and clicked this photograph.

Scenery from gate of Vesaisentie, Oulu, Finland.

When one is surrounded by such beauty on a normal day, at one's door step, it is difficult to see much further than the tip of one's nose.

But inside the house, on TV, scenes of tragedy from Haiti were just unfolding.

One was forced to think how unfair life can be.

As I witnessed the scenes from Haiti, Pot-au-Prince was a city of 50,000 which now housed 10 million, I thought back to my visit to Bangalore, a city of 120,000 which now houses 8 million. The civic society there has collapsed. Building activity, authorised and unaithorised, matches the economic growth by many fold as people crowd into this city. The pumping of ground water, legally and illegally, goes on. The level of corruption is increasing every hour, as only money talks!

Those who have read Annikki's book "...for the hour of his judgement is come:..." (The Holy Bible, Revelations, 14:7) will know that Bangalore is in an earthquake prone. We lived through one in 1984. More than 5 on the Richter scale.

Such building and construction activity which goes on presently in Bangalore does so with a blind eye being turned to quality and safety. Even if the contractors want to do an honest job, the sheer chaos that prevails in the city means that they cannot!

What has hit Port-au-Prince could well hit Banaglore.

I sincerely hope not. But it is something all who live and work there must take seriously, and SOON! It is your life which is bering put at risk.