Showing posts with label The Affluence Machine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Affluence Machine. Show all posts

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A new Indian magazine

After our Bharat Darshan, where we increased our readership to our main blog and then to all our blogs, we have been getting letters from several editors worldwide to write for their magazines.

I chose one as it is a new magazine to be shortly launched from Delhi.

It is called SURYA INDIA. Here is the blurb (edited by me as the English was atrocious!) that was sent to me:

‘India is changing rapidly’, is an open secret before the world and heading toward becoming a power in almost every sphere of the possible future world. The largest number of richest people from one single soil comes from India. At the same time, India is home for the largest number of hunger stricken people at one place. The education scenario is also astonishing and dreadful, while the nation is boasting of producing the best management gurus and medical doctors in the world.

Time to time, a good number of intellectuals have shown and expressed their concern about the matter. The Government and many NGOs are also working on the subject but that is being done just to justify the objections raised by the Indian and foreign media. It has been proved over the course of time that there is no political and social will to curb the monstrous situation, which is a subject of shame for the really proud Indians and the best human minds all over the world.

In the talk in America and Europe about the “war on terrorism,” little has been said about tackling root causes. Somewhere along the line, the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon stemmed from tensions created by the widening gulf between rich and poor nations. International Herald Tribune, October 3, 2001

The role of Surya India is going to be crucial at this point of time and in the fresh decade especially when India is entering into a new orbit. The socioeconomic magazine will try its best to raise the voice of the strata standing at the lowest platform with its feet under the slush. Although Surya India is dedicated to encouraging the advancing troops to the new moon of success in various field, it will check as to what cost?

Readership – Urban Size - A4

Periodicity - Monthly Published from - New Delhi

Publisher - Jain Group

The article we chose to submit is a highly controversial one. It is called "Rural Urbanisation 2010". It it harks back to a paper of the same name that Abraham Thomas (then Managing Director of the building group Southern Investments) and I wrote based on his book "The Affluence Machine".

Surya India is talking about India becoming a super power!

If things go as they think, India will be the super power of  super chaos!

We do not know when the magazine is being launched.

Sitting in Finland, we are also probably never likely to know. So, if anyone in India does see our article (jointly by Annikki and me), please give us a shout.