Showing posts with label The HINDU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The HINDU. Show all posts

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Norwegians amazing behavior

Although I do not know the full story of the Indian children taken away from their parents and placed in a foster home, as it has not been covered in Finland, from what I have seen on the Indian media and have read about this subject, the behaviour by Norwegians of "officially kidnapping" children and placing them in "foster homes" at € 30.000 a pop is truly amazing.

In a detailed article by a Norwegian in The Hindu, the background to this kidnapping is explained.

The iron hand that rocks the cradle


I must compliment Indian newspapers, not least The Hindu, for giving a thorough coverage to the case of the Indian couple deprived of their children by the Norwegian ‘child protection services' (CPS).......

This foster home scandal included sexual abuse of the children by one foster parent who has now been convicted in Court.

Norwegians are not told the facts. The parents of the children taken into foster homes are deamonised. And they blindly believe the bureaucratic version as they are brought up to believe that the authority is always right.

Hopefully, the case of the Indian children will make some Norwegians to sit up and look at the way the system is being exploited for profit by a group of corrupt individuals.

In the meantime, please make as much noise as possible to get the children released and sent home to India.