Showing posts with label hijacked. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hijacked. Show all posts

Saturday, July 25, 2009

"Findians" gets hijacked

Findians was a word I coined 42 years ago when I, an Indian, married Annikki, a Finn.

My first novel, yet unpublished, was written in 1975 and was entitled "The Adventures of the Findians".
I started a company in Finland in 1992 and called it Findians Ltd.
Findians Briefings was first an in-house monthly newsletter which started with a circulation of 110 readers and soared to 6000 in the matter of a half a dozen issues.
This was converted into a fortnightly webletter in 1994 with a worldwide readership of around 80000 by the end of 1999.
The domain name was registered in India in 1999 and had its server in Canada when I was threatened to have my internet access in Finland cut for writing the truth about the levels of corruption in Finland.

Finally in the middle of 2003, when spammers overran that domain name, I was forced to close it but never the "findians" concept which has been active right through till today. I stopped several who tried to usurp that name over the years.

Imagine my surprise when I found that someone had hijacked the "findians" name in their URL

Interesting development!

A number of questions arise.

As Findians, Annikki and I (who have been described as "anarchist hippies" by the usurper) stood for justice, freedom of speech, fighting for the rights of minorities, good schooling, promotion of the alma maters of school and college, spreading of information of all facets of life, religious tolerance, secularism, nationalism, etc., etc.

Will the new "findians" continue to promote these time-honoured family values or superimpose their own values under this banner.

A "findians" named or linked site usually goes the top of the search engines in a matter of hours simply because the enormity of links to that word and the previous 5000+ sites.

We hope the person who has taken this name is not just to jump on to the band wagon but intends to promote the values of "THE FINDIANS". For the persons information:

The Findians Google Group is still in existence.

The Findians current phone number is still being used by me: +358 8 531 5335.

And many of the articles and web pages that started under the Findians domain name have beem moved our personal webs servers of "jmatthan", "amatthan" as well as "findians" on!

So, I do say that someone using our trade-marked name without as so much as a "by your leave" is a most most interesting development!