Showing posts with label lightening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lightening. Show all posts

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Midsummer Pelting in Oulu

This Midsummer in Oulu has been a game of ducks and drakes with the weather, sunshine and showers, one day of Arctic cricket and another rained off.

I was sitting at the computer today when there was a huge noise outside. Annikki was yelling down to the cellar, but I could hardly hear her. She came down and asked me whether I had seen what was going on outside.

As I went out the sky looked dangerous. The pond was bubbling like a kettle boiling.

Hailstones the size of walnuts were pelting down. The ground was covered with a white sheet of hailstones. The plastic roof above our heads was taking a pounding. The sound was deafening while the thunder rolled overhead and flashes of lightening appeared in the sky.

I ran up and out of the front door to see the SAAB and my scooter being lashed. Hailstones in lumps was sliding down from the roof onto the car.

I went inside to see our cat, Iitu, watching this from the front window - she usually dislikes any form of thunder and lightening, but this hailstorm got her interested as she was safe by my side.

I have not seen such large hailstones in Oulu during my 24 years here.

This was certainly a Midsummer happening never before experienced by Annikki or me!