Showing posts with label water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label water. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

American stupidity or insanity?

There is this news item in the American media

7-year-old suspended over stick-figure drawing

Complaint about image depicting 'water pistol' leads to disciplinary action

about a 7 year old who had drawn a stick figure image of a person with a gun pointing at another stick figure.

He gave the drawing to a another child on a schoolbus who gave it to his parents. The parents complained about the image and the 7 year old was suspended from school for day.

The mother of the child who had drawn the image told the newspaper that the picture was a drawing of a water pistol.

I always knew that many Americans are downright stupid.

However, this episode shows that many of them are just insane.

When are they going to ban violent computer games?

Are they going to ban American movie and tv directors using weapons in their films?

Some school children playing cops and robbers were admonished because they were shooting at each other using their fingers as guns!

Wonder whether they will also ban the children from playing cowboys and Indians!

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