Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Annikki gets a lesson

After our trip to collect fir trees and lotuses, we dumped the lotus flowers and leaves which only had long stems in the pond. There were a few flowers which had roots.

Only one lotus flower with leaves which had a whole root system. Annikki had put this in a metal drum filled with water.

Our midnight visitors called again.

Pailin is an expert on plant care, especially lotuses and orchids.

Pailin, Annikki and Ning survey the pond

Pailin and Annikki look at the lotus flower
and leaves in the drum

Pailin took of her jacket, rolled up her sleeves and reset the lotus with roots and laeves by surrounding the roots with clay and burying it the drum with more clay, adding sand on top. Now we have a lotus which is properly planted.

Off with her jacket, rolled up her sleeves
Pailin starts to put the lotus in its best surroundings

Annikki and Pailin survey a job well done

Thank you Pailin, as that has made the effort to collect the lotus from the wild a really worthwhile exercise!

Meanwhile, Unnop was busy recording many new bloomings in the garden, which is now a riot of colour. Thanks for these photographs, Unnop.

1 comment:

Dr.J.Balakrishna said...

Dear Jacob,
Looking at the photos, I feel I should have visited Oulu during summer.