Showing posts with label 10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 10. Show all posts

Thursday, November 09, 2023

10 Richest Mineral Producing Countries of Africa

My good Somalian friend, Liiban Ismaciil (aka Lee)  sent me this video link.

Is this comedy or is it based on fact? 

These guys are funny to be taken seriously!

Can anyone put this in today’s context?

If factual:

1. Where is all this wealth vasnishing? 

2. Why are  the ordinary Africans suffering?

3. Why are African countries having to live off “loans” from World Bank and IMF?

Friday, September 29, 2023

10 Guiding Principles

K. C. Mammen Mappillai

Doyen of Kerala

We set up the 10 Guiding Principles to see us through life.

The 1st principle is to always be truthful. (A few ”white lies” were to be permitted! :-) )

Principle 2 is to *Stay where your presence is appreciated*.

Principle 3 is to never claim credit for something that does not belong to you.

Principle 4 is do not violate the laws of the country you live in.

Principle 5 is to  lend a helping hand to anyone who reaches out to you.

Principle 6 is to genuinely pray for anyone facing a difficult situation.

Principle 7 is do not be cowed down by aggressors, however powerful they seem to be!”

Principle 8 is do not run to find the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

Principle 9 is to give respect to those who deserve it.

And finally, Principle 10 is never to violate the “Sacred Trust”, set out for the Malayala Manorama newspaper and all those encompassed in its family. It  was set down pre-1953 by Jacob’s grandfather, the late K. C. Mammen Mappillai.

"By God's grace, Manorama is in a position to create and garner a forceful public opinion. This may be used for the good or the bad. But, we should consider it as a public trust bestowed upon us for the selfless service of humanity. 

 "You will have no qualms to use Manorama as a sacred public trust or an institution God has trustingly bestowed upon us to be used without fear or favour from anyone. You should always work with this in mind. God has placed in our hands a mighty weapon. To use it for our personal, vindictive and vitriolic ends will be an unpardonable and immoral act injurious to the faith bestowed on us by a large number of people. God does not want that. Hence, our eternal vow should be to tirelessly work for the success of fairness, justice and morality. '

It remains a sacred, inviolable dictum for Malayala Manorama.

[The K. C. Mammen Mappillai family today has amongst its ranks, 2 Padma Bhushans (K. M. Cherian and K. M. Mathew) and 3 Padma Shris (K. M. Philip, K. M. Mammen Mappillai and Mammen Mathew).]

It is also the primary Guiding Principle of Annikki and Jacob.