Showing posts with label People's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People's. Show all posts

Thursday, July 22, 2010


My beauty, inside and outside.

I was driving on my scooter to town yesterday when, coming in the other direction, was a lady on a cycle, with green hair, heavily painted eyes and lips, and with dramatic clothes.

I wondered why such a pretty young girl needed all this paraphernalia to attract attention. Or was she trying to attract attention?

I thought of our Indian National Bird, the Peacock, which spreads its beautiful feathers to attract attention of the opposite species.

I thought, that is what nature endowed it with. It did not need any external assistance.

Then I thought of myself, of what I do before I set out in the morning. I have a bath, brush my teeth, sometimes trim my moustache (mainly so that it is not a filter for my food intake, and also trim my beard, dress with the first things I see on my clothes shelf, comb my hair (why?) and set out into the world.

I feel confident and happy, immaterial of what I am wearing. I do not look to see whether others are disgusted or appreciative of what I look like.

But what about me?

I like to see people neat and clean, well dressed, and facing the world with confidence.

Did that young girl with her peacock approach appear confident to me?

I do not think so. I thought she looked desperate - maybe I am wrong.

People are naturally attractive. I do not believe that I have seen a person who was ugly, although, I must admit, some people appear more attractive than they really are because of what they may be wearing, or their stance, etc.

However, it is really only when you meet a person and talk to him or her, you really know whether they are beautiful, ugly, attractive or disgusting. That is the inner self reveals what a person is like.

I wondered what the peahen thought of the male after the initial spread of feathers?

Thursday, October 04, 2007

To Hirosenkoti

Annikki's mother, Hilja, has been in very good health these last two weeks. She was very happy to have a bath today and she ate very well.

After almost a year of different health problems, which Annikki has tended with great care and devotion, Hilja is now in fine fettle and she is full of beans, mentally. A lot of her muscle strength has returned, although not yet enough for her to stand unattended.

She objected to being dressed to go to the Hirosenkoti Old People's Home as she does not like being transported from one place to another.

But if Annikki is to recoup her strength, these interval care times are very important for her, although not so good for Hilja.

Hilja will be back home on the 17th of the month. Hopefully the mild autumn weather will still be around. But that is just hoping! I have scheduled to put on my winter tyres on the car by the 15th of the month.