Showing posts with label inside. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inside. Show all posts

Thursday, July 22, 2010


My beauty, inside and outside.

I was driving on my scooter to town yesterday when, coming in the other direction, was a lady on a cycle, with green hair, heavily painted eyes and lips, and with dramatic clothes.

I wondered why such a pretty young girl needed all this paraphernalia to attract attention. Or was she trying to attract attention?

I thought of our Indian National Bird, the Peacock, which spreads its beautiful feathers to attract attention of the opposite species.

I thought, that is what nature endowed it with. It did not need any external assistance.

Then I thought of myself, of what I do before I set out in the morning. I have a bath, brush my teeth, sometimes trim my moustache (mainly so that it is not a filter for my food intake, and also trim my beard, dress with the first things I see on my clothes shelf, comb my hair (why?) and set out into the world.

I feel confident and happy, immaterial of what I am wearing. I do not look to see whether others are disgusted or appreciative of what I look like.

But what about me?

I like to see people neat and clean, well dressed, and facing the world with confidence.

Did that young girl with her peacock approach appear confident to me?

I do not think so. I thought she looked desperate - maybe I am wrong.

People are naturally attractive. I do not believe that I have seen a person who was ugly, although, I must admit, some people appear more attractive than they really are because of what they may be wearing, or their stance, etc.

However, it is really only when you meet a person and talk to him or her, you really know whether they are beautiful, ugly, attractive or disgusting. That is the inner self reveals what a person is like.

I wondered what the peahen thought of the male after the initial spread of feathers?