Thursday, August 06, 2009

Artist creation detail

If you now go around the Vesaisentie garden, which last year was one long green lawn, one seems a transformation with the hand of a creator.

Annikki is meticulous in whatever she does. She works till two or three in the morning to get things exactly right.

When I walk around the garden I notice nothing initially. Then, as I take out my camera, I start to notice the incredible amount of detailed thought she has put into every nook and corner of the garden

I am no professional photographer. If one were to go around the garden, what I have depicted below ametueurishly, would been given a new meaning.




































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Thank you for giving me such a beautiful garden to get rid of my tensions! And thanks to Christian for so many lovely additions into the garden.

What do you do?

Have you ever received a post like this:


My name is XXXXXX XXXXXX. I am 23 years old (Vig), Single, Native of American, Caucasian, Heterosexual, Female, 5\'11\" (149cm), 105lbs (47kg), located in XXXXXX, XXXXXX, United States. Christian by religion.

I'm a full time Student and I'm majoring in marketing and getting a minor in International financing.

My body style is average weight I am physically active, I never smoke and drink.

I am the only girl in the family of three children, am the second child. My father and mother are still alive. My father is 55 years old, why my mother is 48 My elder brother is 26 and younger brother is 20. Get in touch at
With Love,

When we were children we used to write to pen pals around the world, using the traditional pen and paper. I used to wait for the replies. 2 in 3 would reply. My parents used to encourage writing to penpals as it kept us busy on a Saturday morning.

Growing up in that era, what does one do now when one receives what seems to be a genuine email-pal request?

Being 66, with many hundreds of email friends on the internet, such requests will find their way into the trash can. Unless there is a personal introduction, a common interest as a hobby, this would be a waste of time.

But yet it could be a desperate cry for help from across the Atlantic.

Sadly, I am having to take a pass on this person.

What is your opinion on such emails?

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Being missed by some

(Posted on all my major blogs.)

Approaching sunset in Oulu, Finland at 10 pm on a lovely summer's day.

After I crushed my knuckle and went through the trauma of an operation, Finnish style, which I will blog after I get out of the hands of the doctors, I have tried to keep up with my schedules, but not with much success. Typing, driving and doing just simple tasks as taking of my jacket or putting on my shirt, with one hand is painfully slow.

The travel schedule has not reduced. My daily routines have increased substantially since Nisha, Sunil and Hannah are holidaying in India and also Ganesh has taken his annual holiday. Number of group arrivals in Helsinki has mounted substantially and juggling the apartments to keep everyone happy has been a Herculean task. But Sunil has been a great help, even though he is working through a dial-up internet connection from a Kerala village!

Last week I drove up to Rovaniemi, on the Arctic Circle, and back twice. Each a 450 km round trip. Then on Friday I did a round trip to Tampere, about 900 km. Levi, our Zambian friend from Helsinki, was there and, with my one hand, I helped him empty one flat, load and unload the trailer and finally dropped him at the station.

(Just as I reached the office at 21:30, I had a call from Levi that he had got back to Helsinki and he was driving to deliver a lecture when he smashed his car into another, fractured his shoulder and ruined his car!)

I must say I am living a charmed existence and walking a tight rope trying to keep all my schedules in order.

The next week will be equally hectic, but with Sunil and Nisha back, maybe I can ease up a bit. (One can always hope, but knowing my intent to work myself to the bone, it is just idle mental chatter.)

When people remind me my last blog update was so many weeks ago, I feel a terrible moral guilt as I love all my readers more than they love my ramblings.

The gentle reminders a tremendous boost for the ego.

I have been going through a nightmare trying to get a suitable location for the Mumbai Findians Evening on Friday 13th November 2009. Now I understand why they say that Friday the 13th is unlucky. Help me prove that is wrong!

Annikki and my 59ers Directory Project of 2009 is progressing nicely. Just arrived is a video from our 1999 40th Year Reunion. I am waiting to get my hand on that and extract some good stills for inclusion into the Directory.

The registrations for our 50th Year Reunion are coming along nicely. If you are a 59er and have not yet registered, please do it as soon as possible.

Many of you are not being careful. I have sent several of you information that your Facebook, email address, etc. have been hijacked and your address books are public property. These guys add your name to CDs that they sell and then you are receiving thousands of spam mail while thousands are being spammed in your name! Please be careful where you sign up.

I am busy planning our Indian trip for October through to December, 2009. If any of you want Finnish know how or want to start a business or exports to / from India, please let me know and I will try to fit you into our schedule - Kottayam, Cochin, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad (possibly), Mumbai, Ahmedabad and Delhi!

One interesting news item from India - some of the better known colleges, like our alma mater, St. Stephen's College, may soon be giving their own degrees! Wonder how that will work out as I am already sceptical of people get 90+ average in school leaving to get into the college of their choice!

I have also been helping to organise our Indian Independence Day celebrations. About 70 people will attend and it is going to be a blast.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

"Findians" gets hijacked

Findians was a word I coined 42 years ago when I, an Indian, married Annikki, a Finn.

My first novel, yet unpublished, was written in 1975 and was entitled "The Adventures of the Findians".
I started a company in Finland in 1992 and called it Findians Ltd.
Findians Briefings was first an in-house monthly newsletter which started with a circulation of 110 readers and soared to 6000 in the matter of a half a dozen issues.
This was converted into a fortnightly webletter in 1994 with a worldwide readership of around 80000 by the end of 1999.
The domain name was registered in India in 1999 and had its server in Canada when I was threatened to have my internet access in Finland cut for writing the truth about the levels of corruption in Finland.

Finally in the middle of 2003, when spammers overran that domain name, I was forced to close it but never the "findians" concept which has been active right through till today. I stopped several who tried to usurp that name over the years.

Imagine my surprise when I found that someone had hijacked the "findians" name in their URL

Interesting development!

A number of questions arise.

As Findians, Annikki and I (who have been described as "anarchist hippies" by the usurper) stood for justice, freedom of speech, fighting for the rights of minorities, good schooling, promotion of the alma maters of school and college, spreading of information of all facets of life, religious tolerance, secularism, nationalism, etc., etc.

Will the new "findians" continue to promote these time-honoured family values or superimpose their own values under this banner.

A "findians" named or linked site usually goes the top of the search engines in a matter of hours simply because the enormity of links to that word and the previous 5000+ sites.

We hope the person who has taken this name is not just to jump on to the band wagon but intends to promote the values of "THE FINDIANS". For the persons information:

The Findians Google Group is still in existence.

The Findians current phone number is still being used by me: +358 8 531 5335.

And many of the articles and web pages that started under the Findians domain name have beem moved our personal webs servers of "jmatthan", "amatthan" as well as "findians" on!

So, I do say that someone using our trade-marked name without as so much as a "by your leave" is a most most interesting development!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Indian Twins to the North Pole

Recently, I read a request for the loan of an Indian Flag as someone wanted to take it to the North Pole.

As Atul had brought 2 Indian Flags during his last visit to India, I asked him to loan it to this guy.

Venkat is part of a pair of identical twins from Hyderabad. His twin (Lakshman) is a cosmetic skin care scientist working in Denmark since 2001. Venkat came to Finland in 2003.

The only difference is that they have chosen different fields in their career paths. Venkat is into engineering and Lakshman is into microbiology.

They both talk, look, walk, eat, travel..the same.

Their main hobbies are travelling....around the globe in their free time.

These three photos taken when they took the flag from Oulu at the northernmost land point in Norway (Svalbard) prove that these two boys are identical.

[Photos courtesy Venkat (copyright).]

Thank you boys for carrying the flag from Oulu to the North Pole. And a special thanks to Atul for his generosity!

Who is reading this blog?

Recently, I wrote about a dear couple who were my dearest friends when I lived in Madras. Suddenly, today, I saw a comment by their daughter, whom I have not seen or heard of or from for the last 10 or more years.

It is important that when writing a blog that one understands that Google Search has become so invasive, that if you mention someone, it is more than likely that your views will be read by that person.

Sadly, I am a person who writes from the heart. If I dislike someone or their ways, I write my piece as truthfully as I can see the situation. If I like someone, I say it out loud.

If anyone who does not like what I write contradicts me, I give that person the fullest ability to publicly air their views.

In my 15 years on the web, there have not been more than 2 occasions where someone has objected to what I have written. I have always been able to justify my views.

It was so lovely to get a comment posted on my blog from Bobos, the daughter of Titi and Prem. It raised a lump in my throat and tears welled in my eyes to think that "little girl" still remembered me!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Wasps' Nest

Have you ever wondered how a wasps' nest is built.

If you have seen one which has been vacated, you will be amazed to feel the quality of the fibre created by the wasps, and also see the honeycomb structure where the wasps must be laying their eggs.

The other day, Annikki had a narrow escape when she went to throw two bags of materials for recycling in the trailer. She carefully put the two bags at the bottom of the garden.

When she came back to the spot, there was nothing except a couple of wasps wondering where their houses had vanished.

However, they did not waste much time.

Soon there were dozens of wasps hard at work. We could only see what was happening above the shelf, but it appeared that many tens of wasps were working under the shelf.

Slowly the number of wasps above the shelf diminished as the structure took shape.

The series of pictures below show the progress of the nest above the wooden shelf.

We will get a picture of the intricate construction below when the wasps leave us in late autumn.





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It was an eye-opening experience which also demonstrated the intelligence of this species!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Green Door vanishes

Annikki is in a new phase of creativity.

It is the Mirror Phase.

She believes that the mirror effect will create a new dimension in the garden.



So the "Green Door" is now no more.

Instead we have an "Aluminium Mirror Door".

THe Aluminium Mirror was created out of recycled fast food aluminium trays, a roll of aluminium film and a roll of aluminium coated plastic sticky tape.

The effect is stunning.

I am hoping to catch a shot when the evening rays hit the mirror.

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