Tuesday, September 06, 2005

English Club of Oulu meeting

It has been a long time since I have attended an English Club meeting.

Annikki and I were the first registered Life Members of this Club which we had joined way back in 1985 after the Club had asked us to give a talk about India. We still have the various paintings that Annikki made for the exhibition including a beautiful one of Mother Theresa and several of Indian birds.

For several years, Annikki taught English to little Finnish children who had lived abroad and wanted to keep their English speaking skills at par. I used to give a talk to older children at every summer school.

Annikki was Chairperson way back in 1988. At that time we started regular monthly meetings where we had speakers on different topical subjects.

We had over 200 active members in the Club at that time. Activities had included from Chinese cooking demonstration at the teacher's appartment to playing Pétanque in front of the Oulu Governor's residence, and talks on the Freedom of the Press (time of the release of Satanic Verses by Salmon Rushdie) and Social English.

After her term, this idea just went to pot. There have been very few events of significance which encompassed the interests of all the members. The active membership seems to have dropped down to a much lower value now.

Today promised to be an interesting meeting. I am an sort of expert of common written errors in scientific papers by Finnish research workers. This was a discussion on "Common errors made by Finns speaking English".

We only received the circular about the meeting in the afternoon post. I thought that maybe I should take part to get out the state of depression that I have fallen into after the departure of our grandkids for Newcastle upon Tyne.

The meeting was being held at Topelius House, which is the International Centre in Oulu. Annikki could not make it as her mother is at home.

Sally Howes, the performer for today, had a couple of games which tested our English skills. I found that my English skills have certainly degraded after living in this country for 21+ continuous years. Luckily, they are not required by me as a professional requirement any longer!

We then played Pictionary. My senility was fully exposed when I tried to convey the idea of "disk" by drawing a gramaphone!

I was saved further embarrassment when the English Club Chairperson, Anna-Maija Hirvenoja, called a Board Meeting to order. I was permitted to stay for the Board Meeting.

Here are some photographs I took at the meeting. I really must get a better digital camera!

English Club Chairperson Anna-Maija Hirvenoja, Gemma Dunn and Sally Howes (speaker fort the evening)

English Club Chairperson Anna-Maija Hirvenoja, Gemma Dunn
and Sally Howes (speaker for the evening)

Erkki Tjader and Anna-Maija Hirvenoja

Erkki Tjader and Anna-Maija Hirvenoja

Board Members of the English Club

Board Members of the English Club, Jouni Alamikkela

Sally Howes and Anna-Maija Hirvenoja

Sally Howes and Anna-Maija Hirvenoja

Erkki Tjader and Gemma Dunn

Erkki Tjader and Gemma Dunn

I remember the celebrations for the 50th Anniversary in 1985 organised by the then Chairman, the late Yrjö Liimatainen, and Secretary Pirkko Böhm. Yrjö and his wife, Annikki, were a real treasure of a couple, oozing with friendship and good spirit. The event was a grand success. Pirkko had turned out a nice little booklet "The English Club of Oulu r.y. 1935 - 1985, Past and Present" which I still treasure. (I helped in my own small way. Pirkko rewarded me by heaping a lot of undue praise "in writing" on my shoulders.)

The Club is celebrating it's 70th Anniversary in October 2005. It appears to be a carefully planned and interesting series of events over 3 days. It will be interesting to see how this one turns out, as that 1985 event is a tough act to follow.

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