Monday, October 10, 2005

Hope this is a mistake

I was watching the 3 o'clock Finnish news when there was a news item about the Finnish Red Cross and the aid they were sending to the Earthquake stricken region of Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.

As the images flashed across the screen, I noticed a container filled with tins - marked as Sika (or Sian)- liha, a white label with red lettering.

I told Annikki and I said I would ring the Red Cross immediately.

I rang the local office in Oulu and immediately informed the receptionist what I had just seen on TV.

The girl was horrified.

I advised her to make sure that she contact her bosses to see that the shipment did not contain that product!!

Hope I saved a diplomatic faux pas.


Sika (Sian)- liha - means PORK MEAT!

And they repeated this on their 17:00 NEWS. Here is a screen capture of the News Broadcast from the internet. The 15:00 was in greater focus than the 17:00 news broadcast!

Was Pork shipped from Finnish Red Cross Shipment to a Muslim Country?

Was Pork shipped by Finnish Red Cross
to a Muslim Country?

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