Monday, October 03, 2005

Iitu is a naughty girl

Every morning when I come down to read the local nespaper, our 14 year old cat is awake and ready to get her food. She sits in front of her bowl till I put some food on it.

I make my cup of tea and sit down to read the newspaper. But Iitu will have none of it. She finishes her food and jumps onto the table and lies down on the newspaper so as to prevent me from reading it.

Iitu on the newspaper

Iitu on the newspaper

After making sure that I am no longer going to read the newspaper, she jumps off the table and waits at the window for me to let her out. Then she moves onto the roof, where she keep an eye on me and also the little birds that are flitting around.

Iitu on plastic roof

Iitu on the plastic roof

Cats are intelligent beings, far more intelligent than all of us.

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