Sunday, July 30, 2006


Yesterday was a glorious summer's day, warm, and just right for a swim.

When Annikki and I looked out of the kitchen window in the afternoon, there were many tens sparrows flitting around the pond.

A few were taking a bath in the shallow overflow portion of the pond.

To our surprise we found numerous sparrows, in turn, having a bath in the sand. They were really enjoying it, rolling on their backs with their legs in the air and then on their tummies, sort of scratching it, to clean it?

This morning, Iitu, our cat was in a very catish mood. As soon as I opened the newspaper, she would jump on it - an attempt to stop me reading.

I tried a couple of times to move her, but she refused to budge.

She would change her position every time I made a new try to get her off the rag.

I gave up, as her Buddha like composure on top of our local daily drove me nuts!

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