Monday, July 03, 2006

Why I root for France

The family and friends have been sharply divided.

Annikki detests all team sports per se. Susanna and family live in a Footie-Free Zone. Tony lives in an active sport free zone. Computer games is his speciality. Joanna supported Brazil and has now switched lotalty to Portugal. She was a Ronaldino supporter and is now a Ronaldo (Portugal) supporter!

Samuel does not quite know whom he supports as he has great interest in almost all the good footballers.

Kerstin, the young German lady who lives on the top floor of Joanna's house, is naturally standing behind the German team!

But me?

From Day 1 I have been rooting for France.

Is it because of the mastery of Zidanne or the strategic play of Henry?

Actually not, although most French players have great standing in my book.

I root for France as there is only one player of Indian origin playing in this World Cup and he plays for France.

Vikash Dhorasoo originates from a Telungu family but is of Indo-Maritius origin. He was born in France and has been a top player in French football for several years. he is not young as he is already 33 years.

France beat Brazil in the quarter finals, but Dhorasoo did not get a chance to play. He will have to wait till Zidanne goes off the field to get his chance. He did play in a couple of matches, coming in as a replcement, and he played extremely well.

Way to go - let us hope one person of Indian origin gets a World Cup medal - preferably GOLD!

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