Saturday, August 05, 2006

Saturday Puzzle and a walk through the graveyard

Here is a puzzle attributed to the great scientist and Mathematician, Albert Einstein.

There are 5 houses in 5 different colours. In each house lives a person of a different nationality. The 5 owners drink a certain type of beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigar, and keep a certain pet. Using the clues below can you determine who owns the fish?

The Brit lives in a red house.
The Swede keeps dogs as pets.
The Dane drinks tea.
The green house is on the immediate left of the white house.
The green house owner drinks coffee.
The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds.
The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.
The man living in the house right in the middle drinks milk.
The Norwegian lives in the first house.
The man who smokes Blend lives next door to the one who keeps cats.
The man who keeps horses lives next door to the man who smokes Dunhill.
The owner who smokes Blue Master drinks beer.
The German smokes Prince.
The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
The man who smokes Blend has a neighbour who drinks water.

You may need a perncil and paper to solve this one - but it is fun.

On Wednesady I took my rabbit (nickname for my aged 1985 Ford Escort) for the MOT. It passed without a problem. The tester told me that the engine had a small oil leak and he also said that one of the axle connections may be a bit worn.

I had had the car checked by my regular mechanic, who had also warned me that the right front tyre connection to axle was weak.

So on Thursday I gave my car in for getting it properly fixed. It cost me an arm and a leg but by Thursday avening I got my car back in a great condition which should trouble free for another year!

When I gave my car in for repair, as it was going to take a few hours, I decided to walk home. I had to walk through the Oulu graveyard.

The graveyard is beautifully maintained with flowers and plants at each grave being tended by the graveyard staff.

I decided to pay a visit to my father-in-law's grave and I paid my silent respect to a man who treated me better than any father treats his own son.

As I walked down a little way from his grave, I was surprised to the gravestone of a person with exactly the same name who had died a few years earlier to my father-in-law.

I paid a small tribute also to this unknown Matti Reinikka who had been 14 years younger to my father-in-law.

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