Thursday, March 08, 2007

Last Saturday night, the eclipse

I forgot to mentioin that last Saturday night I rushed off to Samu's house and picked up his telescope as Annikki wanted to see the total lunar eclipse.

I set it up at the bottom of the garden. By 10:20 pm I was ready.

However, Annikki had miscalculated as the eclipse only started at 11:22 pm.

Shadowy Annikki peering into the telescope.

We watched the eclipse start. As it was progressing slowly, we kept going indoors as it was freezing cold outside.

The red glow of the night sky.

The eclipse progressed slowly. We did not see much red as was being described on the internet.

I was also watching the progress from a live webcam from somewhere in the Atlantic, where the moon was really quite red.

Total eclipse means RED.

We watched the eclipse till it reached totality. Only when the reverse process started did Annikki decide it was time to go to bed.

An evening well spent!

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