Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Did I become Angus MacGyver?

Richard Dean Anderson acts as Angus MacGyver in the television series MacGyver

Now that the goldfish are safely in the indoor aquarium, Annikki asked me empty the garden pond.

Goldfish in Aquarium

Goldfish in Aquarium

With my bad back, I sat down to think what Richard would do.

I looked around the garden and frowned at the various size buckets Annikki had thoughtfully left lying around.

Unlike my dear wife, I am not a glutton for hard physical work.

Also, I had walked for quite a while this morning as I went to meet my young friend Soda. I had told him I would take him to his new school today. It had been a lovely morning for walking and I enjoyed my three hour walk. In addition, our car was being repaired.

After my walk, I arrived at Soda's parent's restaurant. Soda and I went by bus to his new school.

Soda goes to his new school

Soda at his new school - merikoski

When I reached home, after collecting the car, the MacGyver in me checked in.

I found the 3-year old Euro 15 water fountain I had been using in the pond.

What if I took off the foam filter, the plastic base, as well as the fountain stem, and attached a plastic hose to it, and then tried to use this as a submersible pump (which costs upwards of Euro 99)?

Voila! - it worked.

While I lounged around, every now and then telling Annikki what hard work it was emptying the pond, within a couple of hours all the water had been pumped out!

Iitu shared my secret as she appreciated my "smart alec" solution.

Iitu appreciates her master's hard work - mental
Iitu appreciates her master's hard work - mental

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