Tuesday, November 22, 2005

My mind flashes back 42 years..

Here I am, sitting at my computer in a cellar in Finland, listening to US Liberal Talk Radio on the internet.

The Talk Show Host, Thom Hartmann, has been playing clips from John F. Kennedy.

My mind rolled back 42 years, a few months after I landed in London to study plastics. We had just noved in a semi cellar appartment on Eton Avenue, near the Swiss Cottage Tube Station.

It was a large room which was brrr... cold.

It was evening, and having returned from college, I tuned in to my transistor radio which I had brought with me from India.

As I started to do my studies, news flashed on the radio of the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas.

There was no television to watch, so it was the verbal and graphic reporting of the announcers that brought us the news.

That was 42 years ago.

Last Friday, Thom Hartmann released a 900 page book, where he is the co-author, on the latest theory of who killed John F. Kennedy.

Will the conspiracy theories never end?

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