Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Woollen socks and Poppy seed cake

A few weeks ago I wrote about Annikki's sister visiting Oulu where she gave us presents of woollen socks.

Our elder daughter, Susanna, from England, was quick to contact Anneli and ask her to make her a pair.

Woollen socks for Susanna by Anneli

Woollen socks for Susanna by Anneli

Susanna is now visiting us with her daughter, Asha. Yesterday, the post brought her this absolutely divine pair of woollen socks from Anneli, who lives in Masala just outside Helsinki in South Finland. We all ooed and aahed over the beautiful use of colours and the lovely little hearts knitted into the socks.

Yesterday, Asha, Soda and I went on a "quick" visit of the Geology Muesum in Oulu University. I am never bored to make visits to this outstanding museum. Sadly, we were the only visitors yesterday and looking at the Visitors Book, I was not really thrilled to see how little this beautiful presentation of stones and rocks from all around the world is being promoted.

Annikki and son, Jaakko, are rock and stone crazy. Susanna confessed that, like me, she cannot locate a gem when rumaging around the seashore, like they can.

This is a picture from almost exactly to the day 16 years ago, when Annikki, Joanna and I were holidaying in Lapland, thanks to some very nice teachers from Oulu who gave us the holiday as a present, for services rendered. (Joanna acted as their personal guide when they went on a visit to India. Annikki and I gave them the pre-visit talks of what to do and not do, and the essential introductory briefing.)

Annikki and a Lappish Goldmine

Annikki is at the signpost of the goldmine in Lapland. Joanna and she rumaged around for a long time looking for stones, while I watched.

Late last night Idikó and Ilari dropped in to share a bowl of soup, and meet up with Susanna and Asha.

Like me, Annikki thinks that Ildikó and Ilari are a really lovely couple. Annikki finds so much of her own past youthful dynamism in Ildikó. The difference is that Annikki is not a public person, myself being her alter ego presenting her viewpoint publicly. Ildikó does that herself with much poise and diplomacy, something I lack! I have little patience with people who deliberately ignore the facts.

Hungarian Poppy Seed  by Ildikó
Hungarian Poppy Seed Easter cake by Ildikó

Ildikó is so thoughtful as she came to share some absolutely delicious Easter Cake with us. It was made Hungarian Style, with real Hungarian Poppy seeds, and no flour whatsoever.

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