Friday, May 05, 2006

Annikki, the creative gardner...

In the last couple of blog entries I have shown a few faces of Annikki - the humourist and the concerned fighter for freedom.

Many of you may not have read the book "...for the hour of his judgement is come:..." (The Holy Bible, Revelations, 14:7) by Annikki Matthan which was one of the very first books to be published in toto on the internet over 10 years ago!

Today, I present yet another face of her - the creative gardner.

She is working round the clock to get the Kampitie garden just right.

One of her first tasks has been to get the two ponds, the centrepiece bathtub and the Fish Pond just right.

Working long hours, she has yesterday completed her task.

The solar fountain which was sent to her by daughter, Susanna, is in the bathtub is working fine and the lotus plants she husbanded in the cellar all winter are now back as ting buds in this pond.

Bathtub, Lotus Pond

Lotus Pond

Solar Fountain in the Lotus Pond
Solar Fountain in the Lotus Pond

The Fish Pond is nicely cleaned. Annikki will put the goldfish into it when the temperature is just right.

Kampitie Fish Pond
Kampitie Fish Pond

They are more than just goldfish to her as she talks to them every day when she feeds them!

Grandpa and Grandma
Grandpa and Grandma

Today, however, is a depressing day for both Annikki and me as we are away from our grandchildren on what is Daniel’s 2nd birthday.

I am putting up pictures of us and the grandchildren as Daniel loves to look at this blog and remember his grandparents.

Happy birthday Daniel!

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