Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Cold, Colder,....

The temperature in Oulu is dropping and dropping and ......

Yesterday, the thermometer itself was not that low - only around -15 to 17 C. But there was a strong wind which cut through even the warmest of clothing. The chill factor made the temperature feel around -22 C.

Today, the temperature is really -22 C. The temperature for tomorrow is expected to be -27 C.

Luckily, there are no important meetings scheduled in the next few days, so we do not have to go out into the harsh and bitter cold unnecessarily.

But, today we have to take Annikki's mother to the Old People's Home for her "interval care" so that Annikki and I can recharge our batteries! Both of us are dreading that trip later today.

Our new neighbours at Kampitie 6 A are in the spirit of Annikki. The young lady put up a snow rabbit in their garden.

Kampitie 6 A - Snow rabbit

Annikki is waiting for snowman making climate, when the snow is a bit wet and sticky, so that make her creations for this year!

The goldfish are thriving, the 2 remaining small ones born last year (out of 6) in the outside pond, now safely in their own smaller traditional aquarium. The larger ones have grown enormous as can be seen from this picture.

Kampitie Goldfish wintering in Annikki's unique  Table Top Aquarium

Kampitie Goldfish wintering in Annikki's unique Table Top Aquarium

At least they do not have to winter in the -27 C we have outside!

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