Saturday, January 21, 2006

Cold days

By Thursday the temperature had dropped and it was sure we were going to have a cold weekend. With the ambient temperature of -31 C and a wind speed of 11 metres per second (light wind) the temperature, after adjusting the wind chill factor, was around -47 C.

Matti, the animation whizzzkid, sent me couple of great photos of a very cold view of the Finnish forest.

On my CHAFF blog I put out a warning about being exposed to this degree of cold. For the uninitiated it could be positively disastrous.

Our cat, Iitu, certainly decided it was better to watch her fish on her TV aquarium rather than venture out into the cold.

I went out on Saturday and grabbed us a few yummy Thai Sweet Chilli Wraps.

They are delicious, light and I devoured mine pronto.

Devouring a Thai Sweet Chilli Wrap

And then I got an email from cousin Anand in Chennai, who saw a TV programme there where it was said that it is so cold in Finland that people are having cold water baths to improve their blood circulation.

What I was doing was nothing so sensational (or stupid!). I was trying to heat our home to get it warmer!! The Russians have lopped off part of the power supply to Finland. I was busy last evening adding more heat to the house using our wood furnace to complement the night storage heating system which heats the house and also provides us with running hot water all through the day. Good thing we saved that antique burner when the renovation was done a couple of years ago.

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