Annikki and Jacob Matthan live in Oulu, Finland. Annikki is a Finn, Jacob an Indian. They are the founders of the Findians Movement way back in 1967. Both are now retired. They have been married for 57 years. This blog is an account of their lives and thoughts as reminiscenced through Annikki's and Jacob's eyes.
Tuesday, February 07, 2012
Quick trip to Helsinki
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Finnish Fake Lawyers
Speak no Evil, See no Evil, Hear no Evil
Motto of the Finnish Lawyer's Association
It was truly humourous to read the reaction of the Finnish Lawyer's Association regarding "Fake Lawyers".
If anything is fake it is the Constitution of this Lawyer's Association, whose sole purpose is to act on behalf of their brotherhood against anyone who dares to question the illegal actions of its registered members.
It would be interesting if this Association would inform the public of how many complaints it has received during the last 10 years and how many of the brotherhood members were made accountable for their illegal actions.
Probably less than 1 %! Probably less than 0.1%!
If my personal experience is anything to judge the situation, my father and mother had no debts and only assets when they died. After 7 years of my father' death, he became the founder of a company, he was taken to the bailiff for debts he incurred 9 years after his death, had all his money meant for his siblings run though by a noted Finnish "Oulu Lawyer" and his friends, and with the connivance of a Notary of the Oulu Magistrates Court and another member of this esteemed legal profession, usurped my parents assets for themselves, sold the inheritors properties and are enjoying their illegal gains, while the inheritors stand there with empty hands!
And what has the Finnish Lawyers Association done?
They have turned a blind eye despite all the volumes of evidence presented to them and they have declared their "brother" totally blameless.
They are nothing more than a Rubber Stamp for the daylight robbery by their brotherhood.
Finland, the least corrupt country on this planet?
Think again as that is only an image.
I say "Better Fake lawyers than Finnish lawyers"!
Finnish Version
Älä puhu pahaa, älä näe pahaa, älä kuule pahaa
Suomen asianajajaliiton motto
Oli tosi huvittavaa lukea asianajajaliiton reaktio valeasianajajien suhteen.
Jos jokin on vale, se on asianajajaliiton perustuslaki, ainoa tarkoitus on toimia heidän oman veljeskuntansa puolesta ketä hyvänsä vastaan, joka uskaltaa kyseenalaistaa sen liiton rekisteröityjen jäsenten laittomia toimia.
Olisi mielenkiintoista, jos tämä liitto ilmoittaisi julkisesti, kuinka paljon valituksia he ovat saaneet viimeisten 10 vuoden aikana ja kuinka monta veljeskunnan jäsentä saatettiin vastuuseen laittomista teoistaan.
Ehkä alle 1%? Ehkä alle 0.1%?
Arvioin tilannetta henkilökohtaisen kokemukseni kautta. Vanhemmillani ei ollut mitään velkoja kuollessaan, ainoastaan omaisuutta.
Seitsemän vuotta kuolemansa jälkeen isätäni tuli yrittäjä, hänet vietiin ulosottoon velkojen vuoksi, jotka hän aiheutti 9 vuotta kuolemansa jälkeen.
Hänen viimeisen osoitteen postilaatikkoon laitettiin hänen nimellä ja osoitteella ulosottoviraston ulosottouhkalasku kyseessa olevan asianajajan järjestämä omaa tarkoitustaan varten vailla mitään virallista asemaa perässä. Tämä tunnettu oululainen asianajaja vei osakkaiden perintöomaisuudet käräjäoikeuden notaarin avustuksella ja erään muun tämän arvostuksella ja erään muun tämän arvostetun ammattikunnan harjoittajan kautta. He ryöstivät vanhempiemme meille jättämät omaisuudet, möivät perillisten kiinteistön ja nauttivat heidän laittomista saaliistaan samalla kun perilliset jätettiin tyhjin käsin!
He tekivät kaiken sen ilman mitään virallista asemaa osakkaiden suhteen, tietoa tai valtuutusta mihinkään.
Ja mitä asinajajaliitto on tehnyt tässä?
He peittivät silmänsä kaikelle suurelle määrälle todisteita jonka he vastaanottivat kahdelta osakkaalta. Asianajajaliitto julisti hyväveljensä moitteettomaksi.
He eivät ole yhtään enempää kuin kumileimasin heidän veljeskunnan päivänvaloryöstöön.
Suomi, planteetan vähiten korruptoitunut maa?
Ajattele hetki, koska se on vain imago.
Olen varma, että valeasianajajat ovat parempia kuin virallisesti valtuutetut suomalaiset asianajajat! Parempi mahdollisuus oikeudenmukaisuuteen missään asiassa olisi kuka hyvänsä vastaantulija kadulla!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Change from a decade
When I got my first Mac Portable in 1991, a PowerBook 170, I travelled by train between Oulu nad Helsinki when Annikki and I were on our way to India. That was probably the only computer on the portable train.
Since then we had the appearance of many computers. Whenever I have travelled there were no Macs other than mine, but just many brands running the Windows operating system.
On Sunday I travelled for a quick visit to Helsinki. On my way back I noted that there were four computers being used by the people in the seats at the side and in front of me.
The persons in the seat in front of me had a PC and was playing games and watching CDs. It was a Windows based laptop. The seats adjacent to them had two computers running. One was an architect doing house design and he was running a Metallic MacBook Pro. Th seat adjacent to him had a lady who was watching a film and that was on a white MacBook Pro.
In the seat absolutely next to me I had a music diretcor working on his music, who was running his MacBook Pro.
I noted that during the journey the Windows machine had to be rebooted at least 4 times.
None of the Mac even coughed the entire way of 7 hours.
And I did note that the PC had to be recharged but none of the Macs was even plugged in the entire journey.
I think this experience speaks for itself! What say you?
Saturday, October 16, 2010
How time has passed!
I am glad to say, thanks to Rukshana, the daughter of a dear friend, Yezad Kapadia, I was introduced to a young man living in Helsinki, Yogesh Kale, formerly from WIPRO Administration in Banaglore, an experienced hospitality manager and a very sincere person.
He took time off from his working life to look after his baby daughter for the last 9 months while his wife went back to work.
He and I hit it off from Day 1. He has come in as a shareholder and Director of Raantel Oy from this month. He will take charge of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and also Tampere. He has brought a new face to Raantel. I am sure we will grow in South Finland and operate on a similar model as we are doing in Oulu.
I will not blow the trumpet about Yogesh as I watch him develop Raantel into an internationally acclaimed company.
With his induction, probably life will get a little easier for me. Knowing me, whenever a gap appears in my life, I jump in with a new idea or new project. I have so many up my sleeve that I should start keeping a diary of all the projects that have just been overlooked in the last 40 years.
I have lost much of my skills, but some do remain and hopefully they will result in a few more good projects.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Amazing photographs of Oulu Sunsets
Last week we went to see Annikki's sister. As it was nearing sunset, we thought a visit to the beach may give us something to brood about.
As we were driving, both Annikki and I noticed that the sky was becoming a wonderful golden purple as the sun was fast setting and the clouds had a great formation..
When we turned on to the beach road, the sun was already behind an island far out at sea and the view was amazing.
The island and the trees seemed to be alight with flames.
From Sunsets 2010 Oulu |
Photo 1: Island on fire
From Sunsets 2010 Oulu |
Photo 2: Island on fire
From Sunsets 2010 Oulu |
Photo 3: Clouds at sunset
Which photograph of the Island on Fire is better. Both of rushed out of the car running to the beach to catch a shot with our cheap pocket cameras, which both of us carry with us all the time!
I am not going to reveal who took which shot, but it is test of each one's eye as against the reflex time.
Within a minute of us taking these shots - the scene had changed.
The clouds were as if painted in the sky, also an amazing colour spectrum. Annikki saw it change from purplish white to grey.
Sunsets, each one being different, in Oulu are truly amazing.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Visit of Indian Ambassador to Oulu
Thanks very much to Asheesh, the CEO of Medipolis I GMP in Oulu, the Indian Ambassador to Finland, His Excellency Om Prakash and his wife, Vineeta, were invited to Oulu to meet the top city officials and also to share an afternoon with the Indian Community here.
Indu and Asheesh, Aruna and Mahesh and Nushrat and Arindam took the lead and organised a wonderful event. They were assisted by a small band of youngsters who also helped to clear up after the event.
On Thursday, Asheesh rang me and asked me to give the introductory address about Indians in Oulu.
I spoke for about 10 minutes highlighting the arrival of Annikki, Susanna, Jaakko and me to Oulu in 1969 when we were en route to India. This was followed by our visits in 1975 and 1979, till we moved here in 1984. I also gave a glimpse of the relationship I had with two former Ambassadors, Fabian and Cherpoot, both of whom were our guests in Oulu on official visits to the Unversity.
I told the audience of Fabians outstanding talk on the "North South Dialogue" which was published in full, with his permission in my book "Seven Year Hard Labour in a Finnish Holiday Camp - A Finnish University".
The historic dual citizenships (Now vanished!)granted to our children, Joanna and Mika, the close links between the Microelectronics Laboratory of the University of Oulu and the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, and the way in which Oulu had become our home and how the Indian Community here had grown and become strong, featured in my short talk. There was much to say, but I did not want to bore the audience!
Mahesh then gave a a very well done presentation about the history of the City of Oulu. It was quite embarassing as he kept referring to my contribution in the aspects of Oulu life. (I was assisted by several people and it was embarrassing to be referred to it as the sole architect!)
The Ambassador gave a speech, which was a little sad, as he informed us thet he was just a few days from returning to India. I discovered that he was from the same University as me, Delhi (1971, Hindu College), considerably junior, and he had served under both Fabian and Cherpoot and also knew my good friends, Ambassadors Niranjan, Siddarthand Aftab, andf also Tony (former Chief Commissioner for Jammu & Kashmir), all of whom were Stephanians of my years in college (1960 - 1963).
The afternoon snacks provided by Nushrat and Arindam (Indian Cusine) were well received by the medium sized audience.
I was a little surprised why several prominent members of our Indian community did not come. Although most of them got the message through O-India, and the event did not cost a dime to attend, the lack of enthusiasm by one section of our community is a little sad.
I hope that in future we will have a better turnout, as these events help to cement a bond between the Indian ex-pats who are almost all doing well here in Oulu.
I also later suggested that in future the invitation to our Indian Ambassadors should be made at the start of their tenure as then we could get recognition and co-operation over the 5 years of their term in Finland.
After the event, Atul, my co-moderator at the O-India Group, has asked for a regular Coffee (Beer) Club session of our community, something that I started with CHAFF (Chamber of Assistance for Finns and Foreigners) and all ethnic minority communities and Finns, several years ago. That had been a huge success, but after I handed it to the members, it died a slow death.
All such Groups need a motivator and a theme. Just a casual get together may work for a few weeks, but one which needs to succeed over a longer term needs the undivided attention of a couple of people who make it an exciting event to attend. In short, they must get some personal value out of attending!
Let us hope Atul succeeds in his adventure of forming this group.
And I thank all those who organised the event and our Indian Ambassador, His Excellency Om Prakash and his wife, Vineeta, for the chance to share a few moments with all many Indian friends here in Oulu.
Jai Bharat.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I was really chuffed...
So when someone saw what she meant to me, and realised that I was not doing it to gain her affection, I was greatly chuffed when the comment was so very positive. Yes, I am deeply in love with this grand lady who has given her life for our grandchildren, children and me. She has been through hell-fire and I am a witness to that. But her love, faith and charity were so strong that it surpassed all obstacles - and there were many!
Of course, she was very active when we launched Findians Briefings. She was my source for local information. She scanned the newspapers - the Helsinki and Oulu papers and gave me a deep insight into how Finland really works.
The popularity of our newsletter which became a fortnightly web magazine was in no small measure due to her insight into Finnish life and culture viewed as a Finn who was a non-Finn!
Now we are entering in a new phase in our life. Annikki's life phases are exciting and each passing day reveals a new dimension in her thinking. So watch out for some really interesting news very soon!
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
She had to have it!
Yesterday, another glorious day, we went to the beach one more time to get hold of this.
As you tell from the mischievous kid-like expression on her face, Annikki was totally contented with her effort and prize. It will find its place in the garden by this evening.
From Jacob's Blog |
Before this, I went to see the Oulu Cricket Club lads hold one of their final sessions. Three new guys were there, two from Orissa and one from Chennai. Fourth from Managlore, came to watch.
They played this session with a tennis ball as the sting from a cricket ball, when the weather is cold, would have been too much for these lads from the tropics! :-)
If the weather holds, they may get in one more session this Indian Summer.
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Could I refuse this request?
Yesterday was Annikki's birthday. I got home at about 6 in the evening and wished her.
She was talking to one of her sisters.
I asked her what she wanted to do. Her request for a present was to buy a pizza and go the Oulu Nallikari Beach. It was indeed a glorious Indian Summer evening!
From Jacob's Blog |
From Jacob's Blog |
From Jacob's Blog |
It was really a glorious evening. There she was enjoying her birthday the only way she knows how!
Friday, September 03, 2010
Puzzled by darkness
Street Lights OFF?
Now that we actually do have darkness in Oulu, as our nightless nights have ended, I was greatly puzzled the other day.
I had to drop off one on my tenants at the airport at around 21:00 hours. On my way back, I decided to go to the office, pick up some papers and head for home. This was around 22:00 hours.
The highway, the E4, was well lit. When I pulled off the highway I thought it strange that not a single street light was on. All the way to the office and then through the City on my way home, I wondered why they had shut of the street lighting in Oulu. Only street lights at bridges and subways (tunnels) were on.
When I reached home I asked Annikki whether she had read anything in our local newspaper about this.
Answer: Negative.
We have a street light just in front of the house. It is extremely bright - but that night, like all the other street lights in Oulu - it was OFF!
Is Oulu City trying to save on electricity?
Living in Finland: Retrograde Steps
Retrograde Steps
The City of Oulu in Finland used to be of the very best cities in the world for pedestrians, cycles and slow moving mopos and scooters, as they had separate tracks for these apart from the roads. Only in the city centre, where all traffic is slow moving, did the scooters merge with the road traffic.
It was possible for me to go from our home to the office without once driving on the road. It was fast and safe.
Some pedestrians, quite unwarrantedly, started a campaign to take the scooters off these special tracks. Last week this was implemented.
My first reaction after driving my scooter on the roads was that the number of fatal accidents of scooter drivers is going to increase sharply. Also it will be quite impossible for scooter drivers to be on the road once the snow arrives. I used to be able to drive my scooter all through winter. albeit slowly, when I was driving on the slow moving tracks.
The reason why accidents will increase is that most scooters do not have the power to drive at the speed limits set for the roads - 40, 50, 60 and 80 kmph. 40 kmph YES. 50 kmph at a stretch, YES. But 60 and 80 kmph is quite impossible.
Hence, motorists - car and truck drivers will be impatient when they come up behind a slow moving scooter, and the impatience will make them to swing out into the centre to overtake these scooters.
This will have two effects. The oncoming traffic will be jeopardised and secondly, when these bigger vehicles overtake these light weight scooters, they will cause the scooters to wobble and be unstable.
As a result the only conclusion to expect will be a possible accident of either the larger vehicle or the scooter.
People will express concern, but it must be said that these activists who lobbied for this quite unnecessary change - will have blood on their hands!
Finland: Oligrachy?? = Democracy??
Oligarchy?? = Democracy??
Many years ago, when Annikki and I were running our fortnightly newsletter on the internet, "Findians Briefings", I had a wonderful Finnish lady called Sinikka Ikni who wrote a column for us with the title "Democracy ?? = Oligarchy??"
She used to write a short piece which really exposed what was the "real" Finland like! I would edit her English. We would then run an English and a Finnish version of her article.
We also had a young student, Ilari Sohlo, who also wrote a column for us called "Going Sohlo". In it he captured the mood of Finnish universities and the youth. Some very surprising facts were uncovered by him.
Out newsletter was read in all parts of the globe. In those days a readership of 20000 was good. However Findians Briefings had a readership going well over 80000. I used to monitor the readership virtually on a daily basis to see where our readers were coming from.
We had no advertising except our own. Still we were making a lot of money as an associate, one of the very first to follow that route. Our pages on books in the Findians Paradise Book Store were only about subjects that we were competent in. That included India, Finland, Plastics, Rubber, Adhesives, Microelectronics, Stamps, and many other hot topics and hobbies.
So with this new approach, we thought we would see if this FanBox was really what it claims to be. This Blog is a trial to see whether that old magic we created in the mid-Nineties still exists.
Come back to this blog and spend some time here to see whether what we were writing about a decade and a half ago can still pull in the numbers.
We think it can!
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Wondering why?
There is a limit to the number of readers I can add to these blogs.
I came across a blog host called which supposedly paid me for putting my posts on that blog and it had no limits to the number of readers. (I do not believe that I will get paid, but one can always try! :-) )
I started with a copy of what I had posted on this blog and have put up a few entries since then.
I do not trust the host I am not pushing anyone there to read my postings there. But if you want to take a look please do.
I heard someone was asked to join the FanBox blog, etc. Please do not do anything so radical.
I will post all that I post there here, so do not get forced in anything you are not comfortable with.
On the other hand I will certainly not post any sensitive information concerning my grandchildren on that blog.
In the meantime, Jacob's Blog will continue to be my main blogging point.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
I wonder what goes through her mind?
As I look out of the window, I see my better half of the last 45+ years doing many things in the garden. Moving small things here and there, and sometimes really back breaking work like moving a load of sand from one place to another so as to put a rubber sheet underneath so that the grass does not grow through the sand. She does things painstakingly, and occasionally stands back to enjoy what she has done. She seems to know exactly what should be done, when and where!
I thought to myself that all through my working life and since, I have been busy, not with the express purpose of making money, but the end result of what I did was make money. Even as I help many tens of people today in Oulu, Tampere and Espoo/Helsinki, the final result is that I am gaining some monetary benefit, however much I try to disregard that aspect of my work.
But looking at Annikki pottering around, I thought of all that she has done in the last 47 years that I have known her. Almost 99% of it has not been for money or financial return. All her paintings were for her personal pleasure.
On the page of Annikki as an Artist which I created on her 60th birthday, there are two photographs.
The first is of the only painting she has ever sold, and that too with great regret. The second photograph is of the large tapestry she created for my mother almost 30+ years ago. This hung on my mother's living room wall till her passing away and now adorns our living room wall!
The gingerbread houses and the cakes she has designed were for the pleasure of her family and friends. The gardens she has so painstakingly created and maintained have been for the pleasure of those who want to enjoy it. The food she cooks, the clothes she washes, the houses she has maintained - all for her pleasure and of her family. She does those things as her "duty" to her family members, never thinking it is a duty.
I thought to myself whether I could ever be like her! I felt I would never achieve that sort of status in my life - a person who has been so selfless in her work and who enjoys everything she does. She is happy when others are happy. She is sad when others are sad.
How many people are like that in this world?
No doubt many of you will say that their mothers and their wives are of the same mould.
I agree that the work of a woman is priceless.
I remember seeing an article in "The Times" of London, many decades ago, which valued the work of a woman, housewife, mother. The conclusion was that no man would be able to pay his better half enough for the work she does to run the family. This is more so today than it was a few decades ago.
I value Annikki for all that she has been and is - Daughter, Girlfriend, Wife, Daughter-in-law, Mother, Grandmother, Artist, Author, Educator.
I wish everyone had a person like her in their life!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
First Error detected!
I have been doing Sudoku since my return from India.
Yesterday, as I was doing the one in my local newspaper, first thing in the morning, I detected for the first time, an error in the Sudoku Box.
In the top left box the 2 had been wrongly printed!
It was a feeling elation that I could find an error and solve the problem.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Good Health?
because of my over-indulgence, real over-indulgence, in chocolates, candy bares, sweetened condensed milk and all things sweet. (You get what you pay for!)
But, in all my 26 years in Finland, I never missed a day at work or never have fallen ill.
My daughter, a doctor in Newcastle has been ill last weekend. She mentioned that as a doctor she had patients coughing at her all day! She went on to comment that "Dad, you are superhuman!"
I replied that I was in no way "superhuman"! :-)
It was my old fashioned bringing up in Bombay, where we were exposed to the real deadly infections all around us that built up my immunity.
I remember those really dirty ice lollies I used to consume after a game of hockey or football on the Oval Maidan. These were made by the old man with a cart, where he crushed the ice onto a stick with his bare hands and poured all sorts of coloured liquids on it.
My daughters would be horrified to allow any of their kids to have any of that!
But it is that and the Polymango and street roasted corn on the cob with chilli powder and salt, Bhel Puri, Chat and Pani Puri in the back streets of Bombay that built up the inbuilt immunity in me that has lasted half a century.
Living in a sterile country, like Finland, only makes us nambi-pambies! I am glad to say that all my kids are only half nambi-pammies! But as time goes on me and they are becoming full fledged nambi-pambies!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Is it a lazy Saturday?
Very often, when I am working, I get a feeling that it has been a lazy day!
I thought about it and realised that I was not being lazy at all. I was probably more active than ever. But the work was enjoyable and time passed quickly, giving me an impression that I was not doing very much.
So on this "lazy" Saturday I have done a lot of work and even had a short nap, midday!
It is difficult to find a day on which I have been really lazy.
Maybe soon!
Is Finland the BEST country to LIVE IN?
Is Finland the best country in the world to live in?
That is what a recent Newsweek report said.
It is obvious that none of the Newsweek Team have never lived in Finland!
Finns are the “Masters of Spin”. The country is controlled by an oligarchy of about 50 powerful families (It used to be 5 but the base has widened slightly during the three decades.)
The Oligarchy control the Media. That is the most powerful weapon in the arsenal.
The judiciary, police, bureaucracy, lawyers, and politicians are primarily corrupt. The laws of the country are written to run such a system, so the word corruption does not exist in their little world.
How else can the proportional system of Government exist. In one election it may be a coalition of right and centre, while in the next it may be left and centre, while in the next it could be right and left! The promises made in any election campaign are just words for the masses to consume. The real wheeler dealing occurs in the chambers of power after the election where the poor are sacrificed at the expense of the rich!
The politicians do what the Oligarchy tells them. In the process they throw a few crumbs to the Finnish Public!
The schooling system is a joke in that the students are not permitted to question their teachers. This takes the student to adolescence where the Finnish male is forced into compulsory military service which makes them into zombies. (Exceptions do occur, but they are exceptions!)
To not take part in the army service was considered traitorous till one son of a Finnish sitting President decided he world not join the army. A dilemma but it gave relief to some who were not the zombies of Finland.
The country has been run by a cartel system. There is no maximum retail price law. The Finns are fleeced. The Oligarchy convinced the Finnish Public that just because they paid highest prices, they had the “Highest Standard of Living”. Whereas the Finns just had the “Highest Cost of Living”.
As a result Finns have been the top “Economic Migrants” to every corner of the globe, starting with their neighbour Sweden.
On the other hand Finns do not tolerate migration into Finland, except when it serves their purpose as allowing prostitutes from third world countries to enter freely!
Even the word for migrant - immigrant or emigrant, was demonized in Finland!
Every country has its good and bad points and so to Finland. Finland is a good country to live in, but certainly not the BEST! The grass always appears greener on the other side of the fence. The Newsweek team should live in Finland for a short while and then they will realise the error of their conclusions.
Visit to Helsinki
Ever since Nirmala told me that she was coming to Helsinki for a holiday, I have been planning with Annikki to go there for our holiday. Nirmala and Gulden arrived with two other couples and they stayed at a friend's service apartment as all mine were full.
As they had plans to visit Moscow, St. Petersbutrg, Stockholm and Tallin, Annikki and I timed our visit so that we could spend a couple of days with Nirmala and Gulden, as the other couples were leaving on Wednesday. We drove from Oulu and arrived there with just enough time to meet the other two couples before they left back to India.
Annikki and I introduced Nirmala and Gulden to Mr. K. S. Rao, the Western Europe Vice President of LnT Infotech, whom I had staying in the same Service Apartment complex. We all went for a Thai meal in a great Thai restaurant picked by Mr. Rao. I had my favourite dish - the Thai Papaya Salad - and it was spicy and good.
The next day we set off for a drive to Porvoo, a small town about 50 km East from Helsinki which is still quaint Finland. The church and other sites were visited.
I had decided to drive Nirmala and Gulden cross country to Iitala Glass Factory.
We stopped o at a rather wonderful Fish restaurant on the way and had some smoked Rainbow Trout in marvelous surroundings with the gurgling sound of a stream next to us.
I had a problem with the GPS navigator as when we reached "Iitala" it was the middle of nowhere. But as luck would have it, I put the GPS to take us to Tampere and within 15 minutes were at the Iitala Glass Factory and Showroom and Nirmala got just what she wanted.
The followung day I took Nirmala and Gulden to the Open Air Flea market in Helsinki and Normala, much to Gulden's anguish, went wild. She picked up tons of stuff and would have picked up more if I had decided that enough was enough.
We picked up Annikki and went by boat to the Finnish Castle on an island just outside Helsinki and had a beautiful traditional Finnish lunch. They tasted the Salmon Soup, Nirmala had the reindeer and Gulden the pork ribs, Finnish style.
We put them on the flight back to Delhi and a sense of sorrow at their leaving hit us as we drove to Annikki's sister's place in Luoma.
We were invited to dinner at Ruki and Devinder's home in Helsinki and met with Cathedralite 49er Yezad Kapadia and his wife Rati, who are on a holiday to Europe and especially Finland. (This I have reported on the Seventh Heaven Blog.)
While Annikki and Anneli went to church on Saturday, i went about my work and finalised three more houses in the region, thanks to my associate, Levy. We ended our visit by celebrating Annerli's birthday at a Chinese Restaurant in Espoo.
When we left Anneli at home it was almost 10:30 pm, and we drove to Oulu and reached back at around 09:30 am. It was a tough and tiring drive as I had really expended a lot of energy driving around Helsinki.
Many thanks to Nirmala and Gulden, Rati and Yezad and Ruki and Devinder for a giving us a great holiday.
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Sadly Unused
I was driving on the back streets of some of Oulu's residential colonies during the last couple of days. I saw many beautiful children's playgrounds.
I felt very dejected as I did not see a single child using these wonderful facilities.
On the other hand I visited the high street, and there I saw many mothers and fathers all sitting in bars and pubs happily enjoying themselves.
I do not begrudge them their enjoyment, but when their children cannot be in the parks on our Indian summer days, it left a very sad and lonely feeling in me.
I know that when my grandkids came to Finland, their greatest enjoyment was being taken to the parks by me so that they could shout and play in gay abandon with all the different equipment in the parks.
I had many "secret" parks all over the city to take them to, and they simply loved to be there, not for 5 or 10 minutes, but right up till the time I would get a bollicking at home!