Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Busy Day

Bought myself a new pair of sandals as the last one lasted me five and half years - I bought them in India in December 1999. Not as good as my old leather ones, but prices have slumped so I can probably get a new one every summer!!
Bought health medicines for Annikki and also for her mother.
Picked up Joanna's Polar Heart Rate Monitor, which was fitted with a new battery. She will use it during her restarted gym training schedule.
Took Samu for his football training. He was full of effort as usual, tackling his opponents, double his size, with great vigour.
Kamu, my Zambian friend came to repair the Electric Scooter. Still some more work needed before we get it on the road this year.
Finally, spent the last few hours listening to various reviews of pResident Bush's speech to the US Nation last night. It has been slammed universally as a piece of trash filled with lies. In one spell he made 5 consecutive statements, ALL LIES!!
It is strange that both the US and UK have compulsive liars, Bush and Blair, at the top of the political tree.
Tomorrow promises to be still another hexctic day as I plan to tidy up the office room as my mid-year resolution.
Weather is flexible, but quite summery - with intermittent sunshine and showers, but quite warm and not too windy.

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