Saturday, June 25, 2005

Two wonderful ladies celebrate birthdays today

Two of my dear elder "sisters" celebrate their birthdays today.

Accakuttykochamma, Mrs. K. G. Kuruvilla, mother of Dilip (Chennai), Susan (Ontario), Annu (New York) and Usha (Singapore) and grandmother of numerous outstanding youngsters, celebrates her 78th birthday today. Accakuttykochamma was the bridesmaid at my mother's wedding and she still looks as sweet as she did then. She is also as sweet a person today as I always remember her.

Parents Wedding 1936

Bridesmaid Accakuttykochamma is the little girl
(on the extreme right) at my parent’s wedding (1936)

Happy birthday Accakuttykochamma from all of us here in Oulu.

The second dear "sister", who celebrates her 65th birthday today, is Beebikochamma, Mrs. K.C. Mammen, mother of Anil, Roy and Rachel (all in Bangalore), and daughter-in-law of that wonderful grand lady, Pallammachi (Chennai). (Sorry, no photograph available at the moment.)

Happy birthday Beebikochamma from all of us in Finland.

We miss both of you very very much and our hearts are with you and your families on this auspicious day.

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