Saturday, June 25, 2005

Samuel's Football Match

Monday was away game time for the Tervarit Chelsea Jrs team, for which Samuel plays.

Samuel has developed to be a great little player. Having been tried in different positions, his unbounded energy has now propelled him into the position of centre half, playing wherever the ball is!!

And even after two full games, he was still going strong.

Here are a few shots from his latest encounter with the Oulu Panther side.

Samuel warming up pre-game

Samuel warming up pre-game.

Team meeting with the coaches

Team meeting with the coaches.

After the game, Samuel is flushed but ready for more!!

After the game, Samuel is flushed but ready for more!!

His game has improved so tremendously. He is the only one who plays the game in the spirit it should be played - no time wasting. If the ball goes into the goal, he charges in, picks it up, and rushes it back to the centreline so that the game can go on!!

Samuel is going to be great player if he keeps on improving at the rate he has done in the past three weeks since he joined the club. He is becoming a strategist as he plans, with pencil and paper, how he should play his next game, learning from the mistakes made by the team in the last one. And he is kicking that ball hard!

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